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Tourney ends in
Hall of Champions
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Kane's Wrath
Defending Clan Champion      October 2008
#3 eXc
Defending Warrior Champion     October 2008
Clan Legends   (minimum 50 games)
1 . KaoS| 506  wins
2 . [a-L] 307  wins
3 . MMC 247  wins
4 . IAMA's 247  wins
5 . OKTRON 101  wins
Warrior Legends   (minimum 50 games)
1 . -XeoNeQ- 316  wins
2 . ReLaTiViT 276  wins
3 . Technique 215  wins
4 . iamkhufu 166  wins
5 . IAMANERD 81  wins
6 . -TC|`MaTaL- 67  wins
7 . IAMANNOYING 61  wins
8 . ~Wilko~ 59  wins
9 . n0m4tch 59  wins
10 . JoZhA 57  wins
Ladder Archives
Tourney Clan Record Points Warrior Record Points Matches
Oct 2008 IAMA's (1-0) 36 pts IAMANERD (1-0) 26 pts 2
May 2008 KaoS| (506-180) 36,794 pts -XeoNeQ- (316-84) 11,610 pts 2,523
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